If available, you may also select the Assignment Submission Folders
with Unread Feedback link on the Updates widget of the course homepage.
If available, you may also select the assignment link in the alerts
area on the minibar.
The Assignment tool will open displaying the assignment folders.
View History: Display a history of files you have
Assignment Folder Column: This column displays the
assignment older categories (if available) and Assignment Folders as
well as some attributes and information about that folder.
For example:
if an assignment is closed
if the assignment has an
attachment associated with it
if an assignment has a start date
if an assignment is associated with a group
Assignment folders that are not displayed as links (selectable)
are either closed or are not available yet.
Assignments that are links are available, and you can submit
files to these folders.
Score Column: The score column will display and
points that are associated with an assignment as well as points you have
received for an assignment.
Note: Not every assignment folder will have
points associated with the folder. Your instructor may create
a folder for sharing information, or for draft work.
Submissions Column: This column displays the number
of submissions you have submitted.
Feedback Column: This column will display a
notification if you have received feedback from your instructor. You can
select the View indicator to see the feedback.
Due Date Column: If a due date or end date has been
assigned to an assignment folder, it will be displayed in this column.
Due dates still allow you to submit files.
End dates close the folder, and you cannot submit files.
Assignment Attachments: Your instructor may provide
an attachment for you to use with an assignment. Attachments can be
varying formats. Example: Excel, Word, Adobe Reader, PowerPoint, etc.
Group Icon: If an assignment is reserved for group
work, an icon will appear. This means that you and anyone in your group
can see that folder and submit items to the folder. It is a good idea to
communicate with people in your group in case you are limited to one
submission. Use the Group tool, available under Course Tools, to see who
is in your group.
Example of an Active Link: Within the Assignment tool, items will be
active for you to select. This example is of an active feedback item.
Per Page Setting
Be aware of the Per Page setting that is available on many of the Online
Campus tools. The default setting is 20 items per page. Always increase the
number to ensure you see all the items available to you.
Viewing an Assignment Folder and Submitting an Assignment
When an assignment folder is available for you to access, it
is a good idea to access the folder to see if it contains
information about the assignment. Some instructors will put the assignment
information in the designated assignment folder, and some will communicate
the requirements for the assignment in other locations, such as the content
From within the Assignment tool, select an assignment folder to display
the assignment folder properties. Make sure you expand the folder
information to see all the details.
Assignment Usage: The assignment usage area lets you know how much
space you have available for the individual assignment folder.
The maximum size set by the Online Campus vendor is 244.14 MB.
If you need more space to submit, your instructor will need to find another
file submission option for you.
Assignment Instructions: If your instructor
provides instructions for this assignment, they could be in this area or
in an attached item.
Date Indicators: If your instructor has set due,
start, or end dates, they will be displayed here.
Attachments: If your instructor provides an
attachment, it will be displayed here.
Selecting the attachment will start the download process. Follow
your browser's instructions to save to your local computer or device.
Submit Files: When you or your group are ready to
submit the assignment for review, Select the Add a File option. The Add
a File dialogue box will display.
You can drag and drop a file or files or select the Upload
option to search for a file on your computer
Select Add to insert your files for possible submission.
Note: You must select Submit to complete
the submission process.
Comment: Add a comment if necessary
Note: Some instructors will have you use the
Comments area instead of submitting a file to complete the
Submit or Cancel: Select Submit to complete the
file or comment submission process or Cancel to disregard the